
Faster & Secure

deploy your web service by Jamstack

Jamstack is a new stack of web services technology that helps you build services quickly and more securely.

Getting Started

Jamstack is an architectural approach that improving flexibility, scalability, performance, and maintainability. The JAM is short words for JavaScript (Interaction), API (Infrastructure), and Markup (the Content).

The JAM Stack was originally coined by Mathias Biilmann, co-founder at Netlify, now most people like changed the name from JAMstack to Jamstack, they have the same connotation.

Here is the technology involved in Jamstack:
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • React
  • GraphQL

Popular Generators

Powerful Rust-based JavaScript Tooling - Next js

Used by some of the world’s largest companies, Next.js enables you to create full-stack web applications by extending the latest React features, and integrating powerful Rust-based JavaScript tooling for the fastest builds.

  • JavaScript-powered
  • Rust-based
React-based Framework and Data Layer - Gatsby

Gatsby enables developers to build fast, secure, and powerful websites using a React-based framework and innovative data layer that makes integrating different content, APIs, and services into one web experience incredibly simple.

  • JavaScript-powered
  • React-based
The World's Fastest Framework - Hugo

The world’s fastest framework for building websites. Hugo is one of the most popular open-source static site generators. With its amazing speed and flexibility, Hugo makes building websites fun again.

  • Go-powered
A Simple Ruby-powered Site Generator - Jekyll

Jekyll is a static site generator. It takes text written in your favorite markup language and uses layouts to create a static website. You can tweak the site’s look and feel, URLs, the data displayed on the page, and more.

  • Ruby-powered
The Intuitive Vue Framework - Nuxt js

The Intuitive Vue Framework. Build your next Vue.js application with confidence using Nuxt. An open source framework making web development simple and powerful.

  • JavaScript-powered
  • Vue-based


Git & GitHub Service
Git GitHub GitLab
Git & GitHub Service
Git services have been embedded in computers as the core module, it is an important tool in personal computers, but also the core of server deployment and operation.
Jamstack Website
Jamstack JamStackup Headless
Jamstack Website
Jamstack or said JAM Stack has been clearly seen as the most promising infrastructure for future Web services, built on an entire Web collaboration system.
CDN & Serverless
CDN Serverless Cloud
CDN & Serverless
CDN, the Content Delivery Network, it is core facility of Serverless, which realizes Global Deployment, Uninterrupted Service, security and economy, one of the most important areas of Cloud Computing.

Our Services

All-in-one solution based on a modern technology stack.
Jamstack web service, web app design and development.
Cloud servers and CDN services deployment and management.

Get in Touch

Our inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, we will try our best to get back to you!